G-ænial Universal Flo

High-strength injectable light-cured restorative composite


With GC G-ænial Universal Flo you get an exclusive blend of injectable viscosity for easy and convenient placement even in deep cavities, combined with outstanding physical properties for safe and durable restorations.

G-ænial Universal Flo provides the answer to many difficult cases where you do not want to compromise between perfect placement, aesthetics and strength.

Its unique combination of strength and flowability makes it also perfectly adapted to be used as a light-cured composite luting cement.

G-ænial Universal Flo is ideal for indications where strength and an injectable viscosity are required:

  • Direct Class I, II, III, IV, V
  • Splinting
  • Minimum intervention cavities
  • Realisation of inlay, onlays, crowns and bridges with an indirect technique (lab or chairside)
  • Adhesive luting of ceramic and composite inlays, onlays and veneers with less than 2mm thickness

G-ænial Universal Flo offers you the perfect blend of strength, handling and aesthetics:

  • High strength and balanced physical properties for durable restorations in all indications
  • Excellent wear resistance, even better than with regular paste composites, for optimal use on occlusal and cervical surfaces
  • Carefully balanced viscosity: smoothly flowing for easy placement but also highly thixotropic to hold its shape
  • Optimal polishability and very high gloss retention over time
  • Wide range of shades in three translucency levels for the highest aesthetics
Instructions For Use
Scientific References & Clinical Articles
Safety Data Sheets
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