Initial Zirconia Disk

For your most demanding CAD/CAM cases


Nowadays there is no getting around zirconia as a material for highly aesthetic and durable prosthetic restorations. It is strong, cost-productive, fits into the digital chain and has a wide range of applications. This allows the dental technician to fabricate restorations with a long-term stability and natural aesthetics in an economical and efficient way. No other ceramic material can offer the same strength as zirconia. It is a durable, metal-free alternative for large constructions and more resistant to fractures than glass ceramics. After scanning and modelling the design, frameworks or entire monolithic constructions can be milled from the Initial Zirconia Disks with high precision and in little time.

With the digital transformations coming to the industry at a high pace, it is important to keep up with this type of workflow. A product like zirconia is more than just another restorative material - it is the next step in improving the quality and sustainability of your work. Combining strength and aesthetics, CAD/CAM ceramics can be a great alternative to more traditional materials in offering a variety of clinical solutions.

GC offers a wide portfolio of ceramic materials that fit to the different clinical and economical considerations such as cost and ease of processing. From Veneer-fused-to-zirconia with Initial Zr-FS to Paint-on-zirconia with Initial Lustre Pastes NF, GC offers a tailored solution for each patientsʼ needs.

Initial Zirconia Disk Standard Translucent (ST) / High Translucent (HT)

  • Anterior and posterior crowns
  • Multi-unit bridges
  • Hybrid abutments
  • Implant frameworks

Initial Zirconia Disk Ultra High Translucent (UHT)

  • Inlays
  • Onlays
  • Veneers
  • Anterior and posterior crowns
  • Three-unit bridges (including molars)


  • High strength, translucency and aesthetics
  • Optimal edge stability and millability
  • Customization with GC Initial Zr-FS and GC Initial Lustre Pastes NF
  • With a diameter of 98.5mm and thicknesses of 12, 14, 18 & 25mm the disks will fit most CAD/CAM milling machines
Instructions For Use
Scientific References & Clinical Articles
Safety Data Sheets
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