Self-curing acrylic resin for temporary inlays, crowns, bridges & repairs


UNIFAST III introduces the SURF Technology (Surface Uniformity Revolutionary Fixation Technology), a revolutionary polymer processing technology where polymer particles are coated with pigment and guarantee bubble-free, long-lasting and even-coloured mixtures.

Handling, physical properties and aesthetics have reached levels beyond expectation with powder liquid resins.

What can Unifast III bring to your practice?

  • Temporary crowns, bridges and inlays
  • Implant bridges and closing of implant screw holes
  • Dentures with attachments or repairs
  • Gingiva reproduction
  • Superior handling for brush-on & pouring technique
  • Perfect balanced composition for long term temporaries
  • Shade range to meet the highest demands
  • Time saving coating agent OPTIGLAZE color
Instructions For Use
Scientific References & Clinical Articles
Safety Data Sheets
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