Dual cure temporary crown & bridge material


TEMPSMART DC is smart, precisely because of the timing involved in the procedure. The material allows for enough working time, while it gives the option of a fast finish. This is possible thanks to the dual cure feature of this material. In just three minutes you can have naturally beautiful and strong provisionals.

Delivered in 1:1 ratio cartridge and in automix syringe, this is the first dual-cure, plasticiser-free provisional material. This is due to the unique use of technologies by combining long polymer chain networks with ultrafine MFR fillers to provide a state-of-the-art provisional material. Non-sticky and smooth surfaces with virtually no inhibition layer, perfect for fast polishing and high fracture toughness for long span bridges are the results of this combination.

TEMPSMART DC can be easily repaired or rebased with a composite, the perfect choice being G-ænial Universal Injectable, TEMPSMART DC itself or Unifast III for ultimate patient comfort.

Available in 6 shades all with natural fluorescence and with a consistency that gives you a superior gloss which lasts over time. Beautiful results can be easily attained just by polishing with a silicone point or by coating with OPTIGLAZE color for characterisation to perfectly match the adjacent teeth.

Short and long term temporary restorations:

  • Crowns
  • Short & long span bridges
  • Inlays/onlays, Veneers
  • Take the smart ride!
    • Featuring a comfortable working time, the final light-curing will allow to reduce the setting time while reaching optimal hardness.
    • In just three minutes you can have naturally beautiful and strong provisionals.
  • Take the smooth ride!
    • Delivered in 1:1 ratio cartridge and in automix syringe, this is the first dual-cure, plasticizer-free provisional material.
    • The absence of plasticizers makes the polymerized surface hard, non-sticky and smooth with virtually no inhibition layer, which is perfect for fast polishing.
  • Take the safe ride!
    • Its high-density polymer network provides long polymer chains, making it the 1st in class material for fracture toughness.
    • The result: temporaries that actually last long enough, be it single units or long span bridges.
  • Take the pretty ride!
    • The ultra-fine fillers give it superior gloss which lasts over time.
    • It is available in 6 shades, all with natural fluorescence for beautiful results.
Instructions For Use
For previous versions of the Instructions For Use, please check our IFU Archive.
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