Nanofilled self-adhesive light-cured protective coating


G-Coat PLUS is the first single dispersion nano-filled protective coating for glass ionomer, composite and temporary restorations.

This liquid glaze ensures improved aesthetics and increased strength, toughness and protection, as well as providing you time savings.

G-Coat PLUS is the quickest way to...

  • Reinforce and strengthen your glass ionomer restorations
  • Transform a newly contoured composite into a high gloss finished restoration
  • Finish your bis-acryl composite or acrylic temporary crowns
  • Re-surface existing restorations that require servicing after re-contouring
  • Offers excellent colour stability
  • Ensures optimum wetting, strong adhesion, enhanced wear resistance and extra protection for margins
  • Provides surface smoothness and reduced risk of staining
  • Prevents the initial sensitivity of GICs to water to improve wear resistance
Instructions For Use
Scientific References & Clinical Articles
Safety Data Sheets
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