Initial Ti

Specialized metal ceramic system


The Initial Ceramic System offers perspectives for special metal ceramic indications such as titanium frameworks.

Initial Ti is indicated in situations where high demands are placed on biocompatibility and the most superior aesthetics are expected.

By means of the Initial Ti Bonder, an optimal bonding between titanium frame structures and Initial Ti porcelain is secured.

With a coefficient of thermal expansion of 8.6x10-6 K-1 (25°-500° C) Initial Ti is adapted to all titanium base materials.

Initial Ti

  • Optimal bonding to titanium structures
  • Firing temperature 780°C
  • Effect materials for all the different staining and layering techniques
  • Perfectly coordinated components, including bleach shades
  • Simple handling and short learning curve

Initial Ti Bonder

  • Easy to mix and apply with short working steps
  • Suitable for all titanium metals - whether pure or alloyed, cast or milled
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