Modeling Liquid

Liquid to model composite materials for direct restorations


Modeling Liquid is GCʼs solution for an easy, fast & efficient application of all direct composite materials. Applied on a brush, it eases the placement & shaping of composites and helps to achieve a perfect morphology and a smooth finish.

  • Modeling of composite materials for direct restorations using the brush technique
  • Quick & easy application and shaping

    Using a brush wetted with Modeling Liquid makes the application of all your composite materials easier and faster. The Modeling Liquid eliminates the stickiness of the materials and ensures that they can be placed and shaped easily using the brush. Creating beautiful morphology is no longer a hassle!
  • A smooth finish for a shorter finishing procedure

    Applying the final layer using a brush wetted with Modeling Liquid also enables to smoothen it efficiently and to achieve a very nice surface. This simplifies the finishing procedure and saves valuable time!
  • No impact on aesthetic results

    Modeling Liquid is used in a very small amount, simply to wet the modeling brush. Although slightly yellowish during application, it becomes fully transparent after light-curing - guaranteeing the best aesthetic result!
Instructions For Use
Scientific References & Clinical Articles
Safety Data Sheets
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