Au sujet de Indications Advantages Téléchargements Produits Liés Info Commande Essentia Universal Direct restorative for Class I, II, III, IV and V cavities Liner or base Blocking out undercuts Fissure sealant Sealing hypersensitive areas Repair of (in)direct aesthetic restorations, temporary crown & bridge, defect margins when margins are in enamel Available in one Universal shade fitting most clinical cases - no shade selection needed and less inventory Flawless blending with the natural tooth tissue in just 1 shade Reduced inventory Packable for an easy application Non-sticky viscosity Easy polishability Great wettability and adaptation to the tooth tissues Excellent flexural strength and wear resistance Mode dʼEmploi Je reconnais que les instructions dʼutilisation ci-dessous sont fournies uniquement à des fins dʼinformation. Les seules instructions officielles dʼutilisation du produit restent celles incluses dans lʼemballage du produit. Essentia HiFlo - Essentia LoFlo Manuel Restorative Solutions Brochures Essentia Universal shade Fiches de Sécurité Essentia HiFlo Essentia LoFlo Essentia Universal G-Premio BOND Adhésif universel photopolymérisable monocomposant Essentia Composite de restauration universel radio-opaque photopolymérisable D-Light Pro Lampe à photopolymériser LED à double longueurs dʼonde Please wait while we are loading products. App Education