Fuji II LC

Light-cured glass ionomer restorative


Clinically proven Fuji II LC restorative brings you all the advantages of a conventional glass ionomer - plus important advances like dual curing, immediate finishing and outstanding aesthetics.

With its simple, time-saving technique it is the ideal solution for many indications. Fuji II LC prevents marginal leakage, eliminates sensitivity and provides provides protection in high-risk patients.

Although designed primarily as a restorative material for use in Class III, V and deciduous teeth, GC Fuji II LC is a multipurpose material, with secondary indications such as liner, base and core build-up.

GC Fuji II LC is the worldwide leading light-cured glass ionomer restorative because of its important advantages:

  • Small particles offering excellent aesthetics and polishability
  • Higher filler loading for significantly improved abrasion resistance
  • Good radiopacity to facilitate postoperative diagnosis
  • Self-adhesive and hydrophilic
Instructions For Use
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