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G-CEM LinkForce from GC


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G-CEM LinkForce from GC

G-CEM LinkForce – the only luting cement a dentist needs

Which adhesive works best for which indication and which substrate? GC understands why, with the different types of restorations and the wide choice of substrates available these days, dentists often get confused when it comes to choosing the best luting agent. They want products that make their work easier, allow them to work in a standardised way and offer predictable results at all times. That is the thinking behind G-CEM LinkForceTM, GC’s new dual-cure adhesive resin luting cement. G-CEM LinkForce is the universal solution to all adhesive challenges, featuring the right strength and aesthetics for all indications and all substrates, with no compromises.

The development of CAD/CAM and the evolution of adhesive dentistry have revolutionised the type of indirect restorations that are performed: from very retentive crowns and bridges to less invasive solutions such as inlays, onlays, overlays and veneers which need to be bonded instead of cemented. Parallel to this trend has come a procession of new substrates such as zirconia, lithium disilicate and hybrid ceramics. One consequence of this revolution is the extra hassle for dentists to make sense of the multiple treatment options now available. Mastering all of the cementation procedures to cover all indications is very challenging. So it is no surprise that most dentists would want a universal solution with a standardised procedure that not only cuts through the complexity but also performs at the highest level and produces predictable results.

G-CEM LinkForce is that solution. Together with G-Premio BOND and G-Multi PRIMER, it forms a universal adhesive system that ensures a strong bond to ALL substrates in ALL indications, with no compromises.

G-Premio BOND is a one-bottle solution that bonds perfectly to all preparations, even core build-ups and metal abutments. It can be used in self-etch, selective etch and total-etch with virtually no post-operative sensitivity. G-Premio BOND is also easy to apply and produces a very thin layer of 3μ which can be light-cured without interfering with the final adaptation of the restoration.

G-Multi Primer is the only primer a dentist needs. This universal primer uses three different functional monomers to ensure adhesion to all substrates. GC further ensures the long-term stability of the adhesion by including silane within the primer rather than in the bonding.

GC’s new adhesive luting G-CEM LinkForce is packed with dentist-friendly features:
  • It begins with the mixing. After selecting from the four available shades (Translucent, A2, Opaque and Bleach), dentists will appreciate the easy automix mode to dispense directly into the restoration or with an endo tip in the root canal.
  • Seating and adaptation is at the heart of a perfect cementation procedure, and the optimum wettability and viscosity of G-CEM LinkForce thus play a critical role. They ensure that the luting paste is well spread, and the exceptional film thickness of just 4μm further guarantees the adaptation of the prosthesis onto the abutment.
  • Removal of excesses is very easy when tack-cured for 1-2 seconds.

For more information, please go to G-CEM LinkForce