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Flexceed Completed its 5th Anniversary giving you more confidence of achieving your Right Impression


Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material


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Flexceed Completed its 5th Anniversary giving you more confidence of achieving your Right Impression

Flexceed Completed its 5th Anniversary giving you more confidence of achieving your Right Impression

Flexceed is one of the flagship products of GC India Dental which has reached its 5th anniversary in November 2018. The right impression is the primary need for any indirect restoration. The indecision for the correct impression material invokes recurring costs and reduced revenue. Flexceed was introduced by GC India to combat this Challenge. This vinyl polysiloxane impression material is affordable yet can accurately replicate the highest level of detail for your restorations. Flexceed Light Body and Putty have the right consistency to be used together to produce an accurate impression.

Flexceed, with its lowest contact angle, displaces moisture and flows into subgingival areas rather than flowing away to mucosal surfaces giving precise impressions.

It gives superior tear strength and better dimensional stability than any other VPS material. Due to its hydrophilic characteristics, it is compatible with gypsum products ensuring a smooth surface finish of the cast. Flexceed also exhibits pseudo-plastic properties for precision, which is not found in alginates.

Product Link: GC Flexceed