GC G- ænial Universal Flo
World’s Truly First Universal Injectable Composite for all Cavity classifications.
The G- ænial sets Rock Hard with exceptional wear resistance, does not slump, and has a superior gloss finish which is actually maintained with every tooth brushing cycle.
True innovation in filler size and composition, in filler silanation and in manufacturing techniques has given rise to this remarkable composite resin. G-ænial Universal Flo is a material that clinicians can place with ease for beautifully adapted & finished, fast, aesthetic and tough composite restorations.
Available in a broad range of shades, and 3 different levels of translucency, highly aesthetic restorations can be achieved using a single shade, or with a multi-shade layering technique.
With a high flexural strength, low polymerisation shrinkage, high radiopacity, the G- ænial has become the composite of choice for most dentists in Europe and America.
For more information, contact – Shivakumar.R – 040-65504536 / 090300 44502
Or write to info@gcindiadental.com