
Glass fibre reinforcement for aesthetic orthodontic retainers


everStickORTHO is indicated for the aesthetic retention phase after active orthodontic treatment.

The resin matrix holds the individual glass fibres in a bundle, which facilitates the handling and adaptation to the arch.

Patient-friendly metal-free orthodontic retainers

everStickORTHO offers an aesthetic and cost-effective alternative for the retention phase after active orthodontic treatments.

  • High aesthetics thanks to a good blending with the natural tooth structure
  • Easy to adapt directly on the teeth, eliminating the need for study models or second visits
  • Comfortable to wear and easy to clean
  • Completely metal-free, minimising the risk of allergies
  • Excellent bonding to composites thanks to patented IPN structure
Instructions For Use
For previous versions of the Instructions For Use, please check our IFU Archive.
Scientific References & Clinical Articles
Safety Data Sheets
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