
GC offers veneering ceramics as well as composites for several kinds of frameworks, such as dental alloys and lithium disilicate. Dentists and dental technicians can choose the materials based on the individual indications, without having to worry about harmony, thanks to the fully integrated product lines with the shades of all systems adjusted to each other. To meet the high aesthetic demands of the patients, all ceramics and composites can be characterised using the complementary stainings.

Full Contour Build-up

GC Initial Ceramic as well as the GRADIA portfolio are compatible with each other, so that combining different kinds of restorations has never been so easy. The procedures and working methods are standardized within the entire line, so it is very user-friendly for dental technicians and it becomes much easier to switch between systems without complications due to all different procedures. Accessory products for the polymerization and fiber reinforcement for strength of the framework are also provided. The primers optimize the bonding for special situations, such as bonding to ceramics, metal or other composites.


Dental technicians, but also dentists can use these stains for the characterisation of composite and ceramic restorations, creating create highly aesthetic, biomimetic restorations that blend in to give the patient the desired naturally looking smile.