
Glass fibre reinforcement for periodontal splinting


everStickPERIO is a bundle of pre-impregnated unidirectional glass fibres, indicated for minimally invasive and reliable splinting of mobile teeth.

Featuring optimal handling properties and aesthetics, it also offers a long-lasting and comfortable solution for periodontally compromised patients.

  • Surface-retained or intra-coronal splinting
  • Combined periodontal splints and surface-retained bridges
  • Metal-free, transparent and highly aesthetic solution
  • Comfortable for the patient thanks to a low thickness preventing it from interfering with masticatory functions
  • Excellent bonding to composites thanks to patented IPN structure
  • Can be re-activated, easy to remodel or repair
  • Easy to remove when necessary
Instructions For Use
For previous versions of the Instructions For Use, please check our IFU Archive.
Scientific References & Clinical Articles
Safety Data Sheets
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