Terms of Use

The following site policy applies to your visit to our website gcorthodontics.eu and its sub-pages. Please read it carefully before using our website and the information provided on it. If you do not agree to this site policy, please do not use our website.

This website is directed exclusively to professionals in connection with their professional work. By clicking on "confirm" at the beginning of your visit, you state that you are a profes-sional.

We reserve the right to change our site policy from time to time. You will always find the updated version of the site policy here.

I. Liability for Content

We have taken great care in producing the content of our website. The sole purpose of the content is to provide information about our company, the GC group of companies and our products. We endeavour to constantly increase the information provided here and to keep it up to date. We do not warrant, however, that the content is accurate, complete and up-to-date. GC Orthodontics Europe GmbH is not liable for any loss or damage that may be incurred as a result of accessing the website, being unable to access the website, using or being unable to use the website or the fact that you relied on the information provided on the website.

As service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accord-ance with the general laws as laid down in § 7 (1) of the German Telemedia Act ("TMG"). As service provider, however, we are not obligated under § 8 to § 10 of the Telemedia Act to oversee transmitted or stored information that is not our own or to search for circumstances indicating any illegal activity. This has no effect on general statutory obligations to remove or block use of information. However, any liability in this respect arises only from the point when we gain knowledge of a specific violation of law. As soon as we become aware of any such violations, we will remove such content.

II. Liability for Links

As a service for you, our website contains links to the websites of external third parties whose websites are beyond our control. For this reason, we are unable to accept any lia-bility for the content of such sites. The content of websites to which we provide links is the responsibility of the provider or operator of those websites. The provision of links does not mean that we agree with or recommend the content of the websites to which links are provided.

We check for possible violations of law at the time such links are set up. No unlawful content was identifiable at the time that these links were set up. However, constant monitoring of the content of sites to which we provide links unless there are specific in-dications of a violation of law would be disproportional. If we become aware of any such violations, we will remove such links immediately.

We do not accept any liability for damage incurred owing to the use of the content of the websites to which links are provided.

III. Copyright and Trade Marks

The content produced by us and matter published on these pages are governed by Ger-man copyright law. Any reproduction, modification, dissemination and exploitation of any type that is not permitted by copyright law will require the prior written consent of the respective author or producer. This website may be downloaded or copied only for private, non-commercial use. Where the content on the website was not produced by us, the copyrights of third parties were respected. Content produced by third parties, in par-ticular, is accompanied by a copyright notice.

Nevertheless, should you notice a copyright infringement, please let us know. If we be-come aware of any infringements of rights, we will remove such content immediately.

The trade marks mentioned on the website are the property of the group of companies to which GC Orthodontics Europe GmbH belongs unless they are identified or recognisa-ble as third-party trade marks. The use of such trade marks is prohibited unless we have explicitly consented to such use in advance.

IV. Use of the Contact Form

Please note that the sole purpose of the contact form is to receive questions about our products from professionals. The contact form is not intended to transmit confidential information, in particular know how, to GC Orthodontics Europe GmbH. Should the contact form nevertheless be used in that way, GC Orthodontics Europe GmbH is au-thorised to use the non-personal content of communications, including any ideas, inven-tions, concepts, techniques or know-how contained in the communications, for any pur-pose, including the development, production and/or marketing of products or services, and to reproduce such information and make it accessible to third parties without limita-tions.

Like the website as a whole, the contact form is not intended for the use of patients. In particular, the contact form does not serve the purpose of obtaining suggestions for treatment suitable for individual patients from us. This requires a visit to a properly trained orthodontist.

V. Transmission of Advertising to the Contact Details Provided in the Legal Notice

We expressly object to the use of the contact data that must be published as required by law by third parties for the transmission of unsolicited advertising and information ma-terial. We expressly reserve the right to take legal steps if they receive unsolicited ad-vertising material such as spam mail.

VI. Applicable Law

The use of the website is governed exclusively by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

VII. Special Terms of Use

Where special terms for individual uses of the website deviate from the aforementioned points, this is pointed out explicitly at the appropriate place. In this case, the special terms of use will apply to the relevant individual case.