GC International AG
Zürichstrasse 31
6004 Luzern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 41 203 27 29
Please contact the following for all the inquiries in your area:
3-2-14 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Tel +81-3-3815-1815
The Americas
GC America Inc.
3737 West 127th Street
Alsip, IL 60803, U.S.A.
Tel: +1-800-323-7063
Europe, Middle-East & Africa
GC Europe N.V.
Researchpark Haasrode-Leuven 1240
Interleuvenlaan 33
3001 Leuven, Belgium
Tel +
Asia & Oceania
GC Asia Dental Pte. Ltd.
5 Tampines Central 1
#06 - 01 Tampines Plaza
Singapore 529541
Tel +65 6546 7588