Message from Management
GC sees the 21st century as the "Century of Health", and is striving to be the world's No. 1 manufacturer of dental care products and to support the vitality and well-being of people all over the world.
Dental care, which covers both oral and dental health, directly helps improve quality of life. As a type of health care that supports people's vitality and well-being, it is expected to play an even greater role in the future. GC is adapting to global changes, such as aging and the increased attention on health, and is committed to contributing to the realization of this "Century of Health" by promoting the creation of a society focused on health and longevity.

In 2011, when we celebrated our 90th anniversary, we established a new GC Corporate Center in Hongo, Tokyo, moved our headquarters functions there, and created several floors specifically designed for sharing information with our customers. Having designed this site to be a center for the dissemination of useful dental health information, we hope that it will create new value as a space that can be used for communicating with the public about all kinds of issues related to dental care. In September 2013, we opened a space called Kamulier, which aims to propose concepts to help people chew properly and enjoy eating, which are keys to health and longevity. We also have the GC R&D Center, a development center that serves as the starting point for our "Communications Loop," GC's space concept, and the Fuji Oyama Factory, which serves the functions of a mother plant for overseas developments (to Belgium, the US, and China) as a manufacturing base for the GC Group.
To promote the organic integration of our three major basic functions in Japan, and to promote multi-nationalization in the sense of strengthening our activities in the global market by adapting them to local needs and characteristics, we have established GC International AG in Switzerland as a new platform that will lead our activities in Europe, the US and Asia. Together with our colleagues we will be working toward the shared goal of achieving Vision 2021, whose target is our upcoming 100th anniversary, by putting GQM2021 into practice.
We are deeply grateful to everyone who has supported this company over the 98 years since its founding, and we hope you will continue to work with us in our efforts to create a dental industry that has immense future potential.
Together we will be striving to make ours a company that delivers health and strong smiles to people all around the world.